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Срздание названия для компании грузоперевозок | Dalini Далини | naming brand design cargo
Фирменный стиль службы доставки Dalini

DALINI transport company


Freight forwarding company Dalini cooperates with more than 100 large enterprises and factories of various industries, as well as more than 300 small and medium-sized businesses.


Creation of a brand "from scratch" - development of the name, logo, corporate identity of the company, registration of a trademark.

The main task was to express individuality through the creation of a recognizable brand  and a pleasant company name.  V  semantic basis of the name Dalini - created  from the phrase  "distant lines".

The corporate style, dynamic for perception, has been developed. The sign has a direct connection with the dynamics, the road and the lines that embody the business character of the brand. The use of purple allows you to noticeably distinguish the company from competitors, which makes the brand more recognizable.

Дизайнерская полиграфия | Визитные карты транспортой компании
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